
No more (till next time)


Providing LANs for llamas since 2002 add

Until Discount Cut-Off


Until Shop Orders Close


Until Tournaments Open



Attendees at LlamaLAN 43

Until LlamaLAN 43




Admin Team

Tim 'Kanonfodda' Hull is the granddaddy of LlamaLAN. The first event was held back in 2002, with no intention for any more. While his parents were off enjoying a holiday, the rest of us enjoyed their house as he ran network cables, power adapters, and tins of beer around the place for something like 15-20 people. Its success prompted many to ask "So when's the next one?" Now, Kanonfodda does a lot of work inbetween and during events. The servers are his babies, providing servers for games, FTP, network, firewalls, and even Golem's renderfarm via VPN. The man is a legend. The man... is KANONFODDA.

Rob King is no stranger to LAN parties and recognised throughout, attending such large events as StratLAN, epic.LAN and the i-series. After the second LlamaLAN, Rob King abandoned sanity and hopped on board to assist Kanonfodda with the organising and running of LAN events. And a stonking job he does too. Behind the scenes, CD pokes with ideas, researches the themes/matters at hand and writes a lot of the PR, news and mailers. At the events, he can be seen, or more often heard, keeping us llamas focussed on the tasks at hand - thrashing our opponents with pointed sticks and comfy cushions! CD also leads the red team.

Rob Crichton, present since the first event, is the unassuming god of networking. Considered crucial to a successful LAN, he lends his able hands to setting up and maintaining a robust network, sometimes crafting patch leads in realtime as necessary. He provides a good slice of the physical and technical labour required to setup and breakdown our events. And, his favourite position in games is behind several layers of steel and a massive cannon.

Chris "ChrisAkira" Atkins has been attending the crazy world of LlamaLAN since event 15, and has enjoyed all of the madness, hilarity and friendly competition the community brings to the fray. Having spent almost 10 events checking out the wonders of the Green and Yellow teams, you can now find him manning the helm of Blue team, trying desperately to avoid the impending iceberg of failure all whilst laughing maniacally to himself in the background.

DrFesty has been a part of the LlamaLAN community since LlamaLAN 15. Moving up to take control of the yellow team, her enthusiasm and drive have brought a new eneregy to the admin team

with us since LlamaLAN 13, Bobtastimo recently took control of the green team and moved into the ranks of admin. A quiet soul happy to lend a hand, he now handles a large chunk of the graphics work for LlamaLAN

LAN Supporters and previous Admins

[uploadimg=left]962[/uploadimg]Gabriel Wolf
This one's more often heard than seen. He attended the first few LlamaLANs, but now his contribution is some excellent voice acting for Golem's themed LlamaLORE videos. A vast majority of the male voice acting is provided by Mr. Wolf, whose versatile talent, enthusiasm, professionalism, and utter lunacy is a perfect combination for what's needed! Gabriel is a professional voice actor, if you want him for your own projects, ask for his contact details in our forums!

[uploadimg=left]1352[/uploadimg]Rachel Moorstead
One of the most recent contributors to our rather more unusual LAN features, en!Rachey has provided decent femvocals to the LAN videos, first heard in the typically overdramatic Starship Llamas (LL16) Finale as SHOLAN. She also brought cakes that looked like fail and tasted of win and scares people with YouTube videos that just aren't right.

Laura Haile is a highly enthusiastic and oft random llama. The previous leader of our Yellow team, Zodiack brings a flamboyant energy to the LAN. Often to be found monopolising the Projector Games or Wii equipment, Zodiak enjoys a good game and is easily spotted as the bouncing Yellow dot at the LAN. She once brought an massive African snail to the party.

Carrie is a new member to our team, taking over the leadership of the Yellow team from Zodiack. Carrie has some big shoes to fill but we have every confidence that she is up to the task. Bringing with her a more organised outlook to the world, Carrie has already begun to whip the admin team into some form of cohesive group. Watch out for her cupcakes at forthcoming LANs and keep an eye on the Yellow Team as they enter a new chapter in the LlamaLAN story.

This is the enigmatic and curiously well-humoured northern monkey Yazor. He's a legend in his own right (often the secret weapon of any Big Team he parks himself in) and is now a more recent member of the LAN crew. He lends his much needed assistance to game server setups, configuring such things as Q3A servers at his HQ, bringing them to the party. I swear this man can see into the matrix itself, hearing and seeing the world as it truly is: in 8-bit. If a small stuffed monkey flings past your face screaming as it goes, its likely you've just been targetted by Yazor.

Matt Ainge was there on the day LlamaLAN was born, but his only job was to hash up a poster to advertise it. Known by no one other than himself as Mr. Doodles, he provides posters, wallpapers, videos, website graphics, and a thorn in KF's side! Now also a member of the admin team, he lends a hand to ideas, planning and running the events. He's often spotted hopping around behind players urging them to play their tournaments, threatening inappropriate behaviour until they do. Golem heartily embraces LAN themes and goes a little overboard in his costuming efforts. For his sins, he heads up the notorious Green Team.

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